This image was submitted to the Molecular Foundry 2022 NanoArt competition by Dr. Yael Tsarfati. It shows an orientation map of a thin film of an Organic Mixed Ionic Electronic Conductor (OMIEC), a semiconducting polymer, named p(g3T2), provided by Professor Iain McCulloch’s research group. The lines represent the local polymer chains’ orientations. The data is a visualization that is created based on diffraction patterns that are collected in the TitanX electron microscope in a technique called 4D-STEM, with Python analysis code (10.5281/zenodo.6585396), developed by Dr. Luke Balhorn, using resources in the National Center for Electron Microscopy Facility of the Molecular Foundry. Color indicates chain direction and the intensity is correlated to diffraction intensity. This material is promising for bioelectronic, optoelectronic and energy storage devices.