Innovation in Molecular Crystalline Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications

Jian Zhang, Yi Liu

Bottom-up approach from small molecular building blocks is widely employed for the design and synthesis of functional solid-state structures. This field involves the study of intermolecular interactions and the use of these interactions in the design strategy as well as fine-tuning of crystal structure for property optimization. The purpose of this symposium is to bring together a wide range of experts with a diverse background and will consist of topics including materials via topological polymerization, crystalline framework materials, crystals through self assembly, and emerging EM techniques for structural determination, etc.

Symposium Location: B70A – 3377

Symposium Schedule:

2:15 – 2:20 pm

2:20 – 2:50 pm

Chenfeng Ke, Dartmouth College

2:50 – 3:20 pm

Michael Ruggiero, University of Rochester

3:20 – 3:35 pm

Ambarneil Saha, University of California, Los Angeles

3:35 – 3:45 pm

3:45 – 4:15 pm

4:15 – 4:45 pm

Aaron Brewster, Berkeley Lab

4:45 – 5:00 pm

Qi Zheng, Berkeley Lab

5:00 pm
